WebGLTutorials -> WebGLTutorial07 forward to Tutorial08 backward to Tutorial06
Tutorial07 Textures
To Move you need to first click on a canvas. When you have done this, the canvas will indicate it has focus by having a yellow border.
F moves you forward one step.
B moves you backward one step. V will also move you backwards.
R rotates you around the forward vector in a ClockWize direction.
C rotates you around the forward vector in a Counter-ClockWize direction.
Arrow keys move you
, right
, up
, or down
Shift Arrow keys cause you to rotate. Their action is modeled on a fighter jet's joystick.
turns you toward the left
turns you toward the right
pushes the nose of your airplane down, like pushing forward on the joystick
pulls the nose of your airplane up, like pulling back on the joystick